Monday, April 11, 2011

First Visit to the Oncologist

Good news!  No Tumors!  There are some nodes of concern but nothing to freak out about (we think).  Rich is so relieved that there were no tumors.  Rich, me, my parents and their respective spouses all exhaled.  Yes, we had six people in the room (seven if you include our gestating daughter).  Rich has his next surgery on April 20th and then he will start his interferon treatment soon thereafter. 

We are moving along.  We are thinking happy thoughts.  Rich even brought his lucky rock, yes it has come to that.  But it worked. 

Tomorrow he gets his stitches out and then we have a happy doctor visit on Wednesday to check up on the baby girl.  We are so excited and blessed. 

I know only my best friend reads this blog, but that's ok :)  I am getting it all out on screen.  AND!  Rich is letting me get a picture of his awesome scar tomorrow before the stitches come out.  His surgeon did a great job of matching up his tattoo.  I love her, we love his oncologist, jury is still out on the head and neck surgeon - I want to like him!  I am trying to get him to warm up.

Adios for now! 

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Oh is cute and Korean. He will be awesome! If he isn't, I'll kick him.
