Monday, April 11, 2011

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to the Oncologist We Go

Welcome to my blog, I haven't blogged in close to five years so what better time to start than now!  I'm 25 weeks and 4 days pregnant, oh and my husband was just diagnosed a few weeks ago with Stage III melanoma.   I know - big 2011 for us! 

It started with this gross mole on his clavicle that I have never liked.  Finally, it bothered him and he went to get it checked out.  We get a call that it IS melanoma, which is not the most awesome call to get, but we dealt with the news.  We make an appointment to see a surgeon to get the ugly mole cut off along with a sentinel node biopsy while he's there.

March 23, 2011 is surgery day!  And boy, was he ever excited (/end sarcasm).  We get there, he gets dyed blue and plied with radioactive business, then under the knife he goes.  The surgery went well and his surgeon godess comes out and tells us there are two lymph nodes which is not surprising (it has to drain somewhere she says!)  But she isn't nervous.  We don't think about the nodes and just go on with husband's surgical recovery. 

We go in for post-op the following week and we are told that the arm pit node was clean (woohoo!!) but the one in his neck had several tiny microscopic cells (no woohoo... more like boohoo..)  Apparently we both turned white so the nurse got us juice, juice doesn't make the information any easier to bear.

Next stop - head and neck surgeon for oncology!  He will give us good news, right?  Nope.  In fact it is horrible news.  "It's grim."  Who the hell says that to a pregnant lady?  I know he's a surgeon and surgeons cannot have hearts, if surgeons had hearts, there would be no surgeons.  It takes a really screwed up person to be able to cut someone up daily for their job.  But this is solely my opinion.  The head and neck surgeron says he has a melanoma patient that has been surviving for 10 years and she even has a brain tumor!  (Is this supposed to make me or my husband feel better?  We have a daughter due in July, my husband has plans to see her graduate.)

April 5, 2011, husband went in for a scan, from the pelvis to the brain.  We have not heard the results of that yet, but hope they are good.  We hope to get the results today.  I am trying to keep positive but it's hard.  Every other time I have been positive down this road, we get a reality smack of something that is not positive.  Today - we go to the oncologist. 

I know it is going to be a long battle, a long road, a long everything.  I know it is selfish, but I am worried that my husband will be going through treatment while I am in labor, I just want him to be there.  I want him to be strong enough to hold his daughter when she first enters the world.  I just want to be strong enough to get through this. 

Well on the bright side, we've met our deductible so.. that's wonderful. 

Just keep moving forward.   

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